Fast Silver Bullet

Fast Silver Bullet is an all natural no chemical agent. Spraying the nano silver creates a micro barrier that continues to kill bacteria. Fast Silver Bullet can be used in a household and commercially. It’s benefits have been known for years. Alpha Biologix produces Fast Silver Bullet in pure water.


  • CNC Coolant Tanks
  • Sinks
  • Mop Floors
  • Toilets
  • Door Knobs
  • Dish Washers
  • Fridges
  • Small Appliances
  • Front Load Washing Machines
  • Car Interiors
  • Cell Phones
  • Tablets
  • Keys
  • Toys
  • Pools
  • Spas
  • Pre-Treat Masks
  • Pre-Treat Air Filters
  • Sports Equipment
  • Shoes
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Soak Clothes
  • Day Care Cleaning
  • Diaper Pails
  • Light Switches
  • Remotes
  • Counter Tops
  • Many More!

Disclaimer: Fast Silver Bullet does not treat sickness or disease. Not for Human Consumption.